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Religious Zionism:

Blurring the Boundary Between Religion and Politics

Fall Learning Series (4-weeks) with 


Wednesdays at 7.00 p.m. 

(October 25, November 1, 8, 15)

Temple Sinai — 210 Wilson Ave., Toronto, ON  M5M 3B1

The original founders of Zionism, from Herzl onward, were secular, but when a religious dimension entered the discussion, the blending with Messianism became exceedingly volatile. 

We invite you to take part in Rabbi Englander's all-new 4 week course, where you'll have the opportunity to: 

Study: The Israel Declaration of Independence - the hopes and values it put forth for the new state.

Explore: The mystical teachings of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and answer the question How did he influence the 'settler movement' of today? 

Discover: How moderate religious Zionism is paving the way for a new Jewish identity in Israel.

Discuss: The role of Reform Judaism, both in Israel and in the Diaspora, how it instills democratic Jewish values into Israeli society today.


Answer: Can we come up with a definition for Progressive Religious Zionism for our times?

No preparation necessary, just come and share your ideas!

If you have questions, please contact David at    

This is a free event, however registration is required.

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Include Suite/Apt. # if applicable.