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Shabbat Shira: Mir Zeinen Do

Temple Sinai's Shabbat Shira 2024


Saturday, January 27, 2024 at 10.00 a.m. 

Temple Sinai Congregation, Main Sanctuary

Join us for Shabbat Shira: Mir Zeinen Do as we mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day with a special musical Shabbat service celebrating the resilience of survivors. 

Featuring Cantors Meara Lebovitz, Charles Osborne and the Temple Sinai Ensemble Choir, this service will include past participants of the March of the Living program sharing the stories of those for whom they marched, and a discussion with our member Carrie Swartz, educator at the Toronto Holocaust Museum, about remembering the Shoah for future generations. Together we will express the meaning of the words, “mir zeinen do” – we are still here.


We’ll be taking this opportunity to remember those members of our community who were Holocaust survivors. If you’d like to honour a family member who lived through the Shoah, please send us their photo by clicking here and we’ll be sure to include them in our memorial presentation.

If you have any questions, please contact David at

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