
K-7 Community Passover Experience

April 26, 2024 | 7:00 pm

Join us for a K-7 Community Passover experience! Celebrate with TGIS services followed by dinner and JELY Jr. (our K-7 youth group) programming for kids. Dinner will be Kosher-for-Passover style (not strictly kosher). There is no additional cost to K-7 families associated with this dinner and JELY Jr. program, but additional guests (aunts, uncles, grandparents) cost $20/per person. We will be providing structured engagement activities for K-7 learners and their Pre-K siblings as part of this experience. Any learners who do not wish to participate in those activities will remain in their families’ care during dinner. For more information, contact Eliana Stein at EStein@TBEWellesley.org.

Dinner will be Kosher-for-Passover style (not strictly kosher); we may be serving kitniyot (rice, legumes, and other foods traditionally restricted in Ashkenazi traditions) but not any of the five traditionally restricted grains (wheat, rye, barley, oats, and spelt).


Please use this for additional guests (ie: grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins etc.). If you have any questions, please contact Eliana Stein at EStein@TBEWellesley.org

In the case of an urgent situation, who should we contact during this event?

If you have any additional concerns, please contact Ali Klein, AKlein@TBEWellesley.org.

Please let us know if you have any restrictions or any other information that we should be aware of.


