Beth El Youth Group Membership Registration Form

At Beth El we offer monthly youth group activities for both congregation members and students in Kindergarten-5th grade. The youth groups are called Bonim and Machar. 

In Hebrew, the word Bonim means Builders, and Machar means Tomorrow.

Bonim and Machar meet once a month. Activities might include Lego build-a-thons, field trips to mini golf, movie nights, holiday cooking projects, petting zoos, and more!

The fee to join is $36 for the year, and each activity has a small fee based on program cost. Bonim and Machar members pay lower fees for each program than non-members.

For more information, contact Allison Brown at

Registration Information

Membership Information

If you have more than one child to sign up, please click "Add another response" below.


Electronic Check (ACH) Payment

3% Fee Information


Credit Card Payment

Please click the Submit button only once to avoid being charged multiple times.
The form can take up to 1-2 minutes to process.