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Anshe Emet Sponsorship Opportunities

Thank you very much for your kind consideration! For more information about these opportunities, consult Mimi Weisberg,

Please note, in order to process your request and receive acknowledgment, sponsorship is due no later than the Monday before sponsored event.

Sponsor's Information

Please only enter one name.

Sponsorship Opportunities
Please note, in order to process your requests and receive acknowledgement, sponsorship is due no later than the Monday before the ceremony.

Flower Arrangement on the Bimah - $360
Anshe Emet features fresh flower arrangements on the Main Sanctuary bimah for all Shabbat services.  The Flower sponsorship offer congregants celebrating a simcha or remembering a loved one the opportunity to help cover the cost of these flowers.

Friday Night Oneg - $540
Anshe Emet Synagogue offers a sweet snack after Kabbalat Shabbat services on Friday night. The Oneg sponsorship offers congregants celebrating a simcha or remembering a loved one the opportunity to help cover the cost to these sweet treats.

Friday Night Shabbat Dinner - $2,500
Anshe Emet Synagogue sponsors a community Shabbat dinner once a month. This sponsorship ensures that every dinner is beautiful with flowers and warm touches. Most importantly, the sponsorship ensures that everyone can participate without a financial barrier.

Morning Minyan Breakfast - $180
Normally food is not provided on Monday and Thursday mornings following the morning minyan.  In the event that a family wishes to sponsor breakfast, Anshe Emet Synagogue provides , cream cheese, and lox, and sliced vegetables.

Congregational Kiddush Sponsorship - $3,600
Anshe Emet Synagogue provides Kiddush for the entire congregation after Shabbat morning services.  The congregational Kiddush sponsorship offers congregants celebrating a simcha the opportunity to help underwrite a portion of this Kiddush.

In Honor or Memorial of

We are sending contribution notices out electronically.

Total Sponsorship Amount

Credit Card Payment Information