Men's Club Yellow Candle Program

Thank you for taking a Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) Yellow Candle. The Beth El Men’s Club invites you to join with the other members of Congregation Beth El and Jews around the world on Wednesday night, April 23, Erev Yom HaShoah, and light this candle. We light the candle in our homes in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. 

Donations to the Yellow Candle Program are tax-deductible to the extent of the law.

As in the past, we ask that you help to underwrite the cost of this project. Funds received over and above our program cost will go directly to support the Holocaust Survivors Program sponsored by the Jewish Social Service Agency (JSSA). We would ask that you consider gifts in multiples of $18. The number 18 signifies chai, life.

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