Temple Sinai

Thank you for your support of Temple Sinai!

Please only enter your information in the fields below.  You may designate from whom the donation is given and to whom acknowledgments should be sent later in the form.

Donation Information

Please proceed to the My Finances section on the Portal to make payments on your Yesod pledge.


Tribute Information

Notification Recipient


2nd Notification Recipient(s)


For assistance with any other type of donation (e.g., a car, stock) please call the Temple Sinai office at 510-451-3263.

Adjusted total


Credit / Debit Card

Enter only numbers for the Credit Card Number and Verification Code. This means no spaces, dashes, commas or other text characters.

3-digit number printed on the back of your credit card
Billing Address

Matching Gifts

Contact your employer's HR department to inquire about matching gift opportunities.

Temple Sinai Tax ID# 941156845

Thank you.

Your contribution qualifies as a charitable tax deduction
 to the extent allowed by law.